Tax cut time? Here’s what Sunak and Truss are offering

The Conservative Party have decided to elect a new leader after Boris Johnson’s tenure as Prime Minister has come to an end.

But with the state of the economy in flux, the candidates need to be more careful than ever to emphasise their financial offerings to voters.

Here’s what each contender has said they would implement, and what that could mean for your money.

Rishi Sunak

The now former Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, was catapulted into prominence over his handling of the economy during the coronavirus pandemic.

From Eat Out to Help Out to the furlough scheme, Sunak was credited with staving off the worst effects of the lockdowns and fall out from the pandemic.

But the MP for Richmond in North Yorkshire has been widely criticised for his involvement as Chancellor in the subsequent economic issues triggered by the pandemic such as widespread inflation, soaring energy bills and raising taxes to pay for prior spending.

Sunak has pledged to cut the basic rate of income tax from 20% to 16%, but only by the end of the next Parliament – still seven years away. This would represent the biggest cut to personal taxes in around 30 years, were it to come to pass, and would save someone on an average salary of £32,000 around £777 a year.

However, if this level is matched in pensions tax relief, it would be a significant cut to the amount of tax relief anyone saving into a pension would get.

He has also committed to cutting that rate to 19% in 2024, but this was already announced before the leadership contest began.

Sunak has also promised to end VAT on energy bills should average prices rise above £3,000 per year, but this was only offered after initially declining to offer the cut. This would save the average household around £160 a year.

The former Chancellor has also promised to cut business rates in 2023. Beyond this however, he has been relatively quiet on financial policies, other than to criticise his opponent’s stances.

Liz Truss

The current frontrunner candidate Liz Truss has been vocal on her desire for the Bank of England base rate to move to a higher level. If she is made Prime Minister, she would couple this with significant tax cuts.

Tax cuts are the centrepiece of Truss’s offering and she has said she intends to “start cutting taxes from day one.” Her proposals add up to some £30 billion of cuts to taxes.

This includes scrapping the 1.25% National Insurance hike, and the 6% corporation tax hike which is due to be implemented next year.

The current Foreign Secretary has also pledged to scrap green levies on energy bills for two years to help households struggling to pay as prices soar.

Truss has also said she would include inheritance tax in a wider review of the tax system – looking at whether it is fit for purpose.

Truss says she intends to pay for the tax cuts by renegotiating the way the Covid-accrued debt is paid, making it a longer-term debt more similar to the way the Government paid back its debts after the Second World War.

While the contest is ongoing and more pledges are no doubt coming through the pipeline, readers must remember that these policy announcements are largely designed to appeal to the Conservative Party membership.

With the Bank of England predicting 13% inflation by the end of the year, whoever takes over at No.10 will no doubt have to adapt to the situation as it develops.

Energy bills set to worsen this winter – top tips on how to save

Energy bills are set to soar again this winter as the energy crisis in Europe worsens.

Prices have soared in the past year as demand surges – this has been greatly exacerbated by the conflict in Ukraine and ensuing tensions with Russia.

As a result, the current price cap on energy bills, as set by energy regulator Ofgem, is £1,971 having increased from £1,277 on 1 April.

But as announced on 26 August, this cap will now rise to £3,546 on 1 October.

In practice these figures are quoted for the ‘average’ home usage, so you could end up paying more (or less) depending on what you actually use in your home.

Although tricky, this means it is still possible to save money on your energy bills. There are a few ways of doing this.

Make changes to your home

The first, and more costly way to make long-term changes to your energy consumption is by changing the way your home uses, conserves, or even produces energy.

The Government has launched a tool that you can use to get an idea of what potential upgrades you can make to your home, the costs and potential savings.

Ideas include installation of cavity, roof and floor insulation. Also, installing a heat pump to replace a gas boiler, or solar panels to produce your own heating or energy.

It also includes ideas such as upgrading your windows to double glazing, installing smart thermostats to regulate your heating more efficiently or buying more energy-efficient home appliances.

While these are all good ways to make your home more energy efficient, the issue with many is that they’re either not practical depending on your property or require personal investment that won’t realise the financial benefit for some time.

Taking the aforementioned Government tool can give you an idea of the saving and costs of each idea.

Make changes to your behaviour

This is where behavioural changes come in and provide the possibility to save money immediately on your energy bills.

All the figures below are quoted by the Energy Saving Trust based on current energy price cap levels and average household by size and usage levels – so this is liable to change come October. But if anything, the cost savings could get better. Here are those tips:

  1. Ditch one bath a week for a shower – £12
  2. Reduce dishwasher usage by filling it completely – £14
  3. Turning off all lights in rooms you’re not using – £20
  4. Washing your clothes at 30 degrees and reducing your number of washes with larger loads (i.e., don’t put one jumper in and put a wash on) – £28
  5. Insulate your hot water cylinder if you have one – £35
  6. Fill the kettle to the level you need, not the top – £36
  7. Installing draft excluders or cushions on doors to prevent heat loss to rooms you’re not using frequently – £45
  8. Turn off the electronics in your house instead of leaving things like TVs on standby when you’re not using them – £55
  9. Dry clothes on a rack or in the garden, avoid the tumble dryer – £60
  10. Take shorter showers. The Energy Saving Trust says under four minutes is ideal – £70

While all these behavioural tweaks save fairly small amounts individually, taken together you’re looking at around £375 a year less on your bills. Were the price cap to rise to £3,400, this would be a saving of around 11% – no small amount.

While in the context of long-term wealth growth this might seem like small fry, the truth is cutting day-to-day living costs is one of the most effective ways to save more for the long term.

Cost of living

Amazon Prime hikes prices – time to review your bills

Amazon has announced it is hiking the cost of its Prime streaming and one-day delivery services.

With the cost-of-living rising, it’s time to review your non-essential bills. It happens to even the most prudent of us, especially thanks to the pandemic.

Stuck at home, we signed up for a range of new services including streaming, food delivery and other non-essential products.

But as we leave the pandemic behind and life returns to a ‘new’ normal, the cost of living is soaring, with inflation currently 10.1% on the consumer prices index (CPI) measure.

Unfortunately, no household is immune, and even longstanding services such as Amazon Prime – which has not increased prices in eight years – are not saved from hikes.

Amazon Prime is increasing its cost from £7.99 to £8.99 per month, or if you pay annually, £75 to £95. While this is not a massive increase individually, replicated across a range of services  you could find your bills going up hundreds each year (not including energy, which is facing a major crisis and we handle separately in this blog

How do I save on my bills?

The first thing to do if you feel you’re spending too much on your bills is to do a full audit of how much you’re paying for each item – looking at the monthly and annual costs.

In many cases, for products such as insurance, or even Amazon Prime, paying annually will save you money, so if you’ve got the financial resources to do that, it can be a good idea.

Once you’ve got a sense of what is going out, look at when your contracts expire. For phone, broadband and mobile bills you should never be paying more than the best deal on the market, if you’re out of contract.

Providers should alert you these days when your contract is expiring but be vigilant and shop around for better deals using price comparison sites. Mobile phones in particular can leave a costly bill in place that is unnecessary. While some providers such as O2 will lower your bill once you’ve paid for your handset, others will let it run at the same rate, which you’re not compelled to pay.

Next it’s essential to ask yourself – do I really need this? A common problem where costs proliferate in this area is streaming services. With such a wide variety available it’s tempting to have them all, but this could set you back hundreds a year. Ask yourself if you really need them all, or maybe cut back to your favourite. There are even free options available such as All4, which provides hundreds of TV boxsets totally for free.

Likewise, this is an issue when it comes to services such as Sky TV. The contracts tend to be very expensive, with price increases baked into the contract. There are cheaper alternatives such as streaming via NOWTV – which is just the digital equivalent of the same service. Separating out your telecoms bundle into separate broadband and TV services could lead to significant savings.

When it comes to other fixed cost bills such as water, council tax and TV licence, unfortunately these might not be possible to avoid or minimise. But there are a few tweaks you can make.

If you don’t watch live TV, or use BBC catch up services such as iPlayer, you don’t have to pay a TV Licence, for instance. Anyone living alone is eligible for a 25% council tax discount, while ensuring your property is in the right band can also save considerable sums. Altering your council tax band can be risky however as your local council might decide you should be in a higher band.

It is however worth researching whether your property is in the right banding. In the early 90s councils conducted so-called ‘second gear valuations’ where they would drive through neighbourhoods making valuations on the fly, leading to some very distorted bandings. It is worth looking into, Money Saving Expert has a more detailed guide if you wish to learn more.

Inheritance tax interest costs soaring for bereaved families

A little-known process for paying inheritance tax is sending payments soaring for bereaved families thanks to the Bank of England.

The issue arises where a family has an inheritance tax (IHT) liability to pay after losing a loved one.

The Government, to give families the ability to pay the liability without being forced to sell the assets such as home, offers payment by instalment.

But there is a little-known caveat to this which is sending payments soaring for many.

Interest rate hikes from the Bank of England are hiking these IHT payments. Families are obliged to pay an interest rate of the Bank of England base rate plus 2.5%.

This means the rate of interest on the instalments is currently 4.25% – higher than some of the best loan rates on the market.

How do IHT instalments work?

When inheriting assets from a loved one, the Government allows bereaved families to pay the IHT due on the value of their home over 10 years in annual instalments.

If you sell the house, you have to pay the liability in full straight away. The first instalment is due within six months at the end of the month in which the death occurs.

For shares and other securities, families can pay the IHT liability in instalments if the person who has passed away controlled more than 50% of the company.

How to minimise IHT costs

HMRC has seen a year-on-year increase in the number of estates paying IHT. This is because while asset prices have grown steadily over time, the Government has frozen the thresholds for paying the tax.

This means families become subject to liabilities, purely because the value of their assets are increasing to a point over the threshold.

Fortunately, there are good wealth planning solutions to mitigate the costs of IHT with regards to property.

A single person has no IHT liabilities on the first £325,000 of their assets. With the addition of the residence nil rate band this rises to £500,000 if the asset in question is your main home. The extra £175,000 is only available if the house (or its value) is being left to a direct descendant, (Children, Grandchildren, Adopted Children). So, if leaving to trust or to a sibling or nephew for example, it isn’t available. For a married couple this allowance effectively doubles to £1 million-worth of property if it is your main home.

However, once an estate reaches £2 million in value, the home allowance is removed by £1 for every £2 above the threshold. This effectively removes the allowance once an estate is worth over £2.3 million.

There are other strategies to help minimise the bill, including the way you structure assets, where you invest your wealth, and how you gift it away.

If you would like to discuss the themes in this article or would like more information on anything relating to inheritance tax, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

State Pension set to rise by up to 11% - here’s what you need to know

The State Pension is set to rise by around 11% next year, as the Government has committed to the much-debated triple lock.

The State Pension triple lock guarantees that the benefit for retirees will rise by inflation, wage growth or 2.5% – whichever is higher at the time of the update. This is set to be decided by the data in September, with the rise implemented from the new tax year, 6 April 2023. This will affect around six million retirees in receipt of the benefit.

11% rise?

On the basis of those three inputs, the State Pension is likely to rise by up to 11%. This is not guaranteed, but what is forecasted by the latest inflation expectations from the Bank of England.

This has been known for some time, but the Government cancelled the triple lock last year. It did this because wage data at the time in 2021 was abnormally high.

But unlike inflation, which is high for particular economic reasons, the wage data was unusually high thanks to problems with the Office for National Statistics (ONS) information collection during the pandemic.

That wage data has now normalised, but inflation is at record levels. Despite this, the Government has now reaffirmed its commitment to the rule, leaving State Pension recipients in line for a bumper benefit increase.

The Government has come in for criticism over its decision to uplift the State Pension in line with inflation, particularly because workers aren’t receiving such generous pay increases, per ONS data, nor is it hiking other benefits such as Universal Credit by equivalent amounts.

Cash terms

Those who receive the full new State Pension currently receive £185.15 per week. If you defer taking the State Pension, this weekly payment can be larger once you do start claiming.

Those who reached State Pension age before 6 April 2016 will get a different amount which depends on the basic State Pension rules.

In cash terms for those who are eligible for the full new State Pension, an 11% uplift would be around £20.60 per week extra, or an extra £1,071.20 per year. This would take the State Pension payment over £10,000 for the first time ever to around £10,699 per year.

While this is a relatively small amount compared to other areas of wealth and income, it does form an often-essential part of many retirees income, especially in later years of life.

For those with ample income from wealth, or even those who are happy to continue working later in life, deferring the State Pension can be a really effective way to build up extra earnings for later in life.

Despite popular imagination, the State Pension isn’t accessed from a pot of money someone works towards over their adult life. Contributions are measured through National Insurance payments by qualifying year. The more of these you build, the more State Pension you’ll accrue for retirement, until you reach the ‘full’ amount.

If you spend any time out of the workforce, for reasons such as caring for a relative, or perhaps if you care for your children full time, it’s really important to claim National Insurance Credits (NICs) to ensure when you get to retirement age you have the full quantity you need.

If you’d like to discuss this, or anything else regarding your wealth journey, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Nationwide now offering 5% interest– is cash back?

Nationwide has launched a new offer of 5% interest on current account cash.

The building society has ratcheted up its interest rate on the FlexDirect current account to entice more customers through its doors.

The increase takes interest on the current account from 2% to 5%. However, the rate is only available for up to £1,500 for 12 months. At the end of the 12 months the rate falls to 0.25% AER.

You’ll also have to pay in at least £1,000 a month. Anyone who doesn’t already have a current account with Nationwide can switch using the Current Account Switching Service (CASS) and will receive a £100 bonus for doing so.

This combined with the interest will earn you £200 over 12 months with the account.

Best place for cash?

The Nationwide account will only take care of a small amount of money for you and isn’t practical for anything like larger savings amounts.

That being said, with the Bank of England hiking interest rates, cash is becoming more attractive.

The top rate on an easy access cash ISA is with Marcus by Goldman Sachs offering 1.3%. This is however still lower than the 1.5% rate that Marcus offered when it first launched in 2018.

For a one-year fixed cash ISA you can get 1.6% from Aldermore, two years 2.45% from Charter Savings Bank, or for five years 2.6% from Hampshire Trust Bank.

These rates are moving up regularly with the base rate rising but are still well behind the current level of inflation, which stands at 9.1% on the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) measure from the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

Is cash king yet?

With investment markets struggling this year it may be tempting to assign more wealth to cash, but ultimately this is still dooming money to devaluation, with such a big discrepancy between rates on offer and inflation levels.

The reality is that investments are still the best long-term method for growing wealth.

Cash is useful for an emergency fund. Holding some cash is also useful if you rely on wealth for your income, as having a pot of cash to draw upon in the short term is a good way of preventing the crystallisation of losses when markets are down.

But beyond this, cash really isn’t yet king. In fact, interest rate rises have a long way to run before cash savings become a viable method of storing long-term wealth again.

Note all rates quoted correct at the time of writing but subject to change.

RPI inflation change could cost pension schemes “billions”

Changes to the way that inflation is officially calculated could cost some pension holders “billions”, a challenge in the High Court has warned.

The challenge comes from representatives of the pension schemes of BT, Marks & Spencer and Ford UK and is attempting to block efforts by the Government to alter the way the Retail Prices Index (RPI) measure of inflation works.

What is RPI?

The Retail Prices Index – or RPI – is one of the oldest existing measures of inflation used by the UK Statistics Authority (UKSA) and Office for National Statistics (ONS) to calculate price changes in the economy.

It is however widely seen as an inferior measure, having since been superseded firstly by the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) and now Consumer Prices Index including Housing costs (CPIH).

CPI is often the most quoted measure in the media when we see news stories about rising inflation and such. But CPIH is generally perceived by statisticians as the most accurate measure of prices and the impact on households as it includes housing costs which form a large part of many people’s budgets.

Despite this, RPI is still used by many organisations to calculate price changes. This includes everything from student loan interest payments to rail fares, mobile phone, and broadband contract prices.

Why is the Government changing RPI?

RPI is widely seen as an inaccurate measure, often overestimating the true level of price inflation in the economy.

The impact of current high inflation levels is being exacerbated by RPI inaccuracy. For instance, in June the Government announced it would be capping student loan interest rate rises, as the RPI measure was leaving students facing a 12% rate on their debts. Instead, it is capping the rate at 7.3% to protect graduate incomes from greater financial pressure.

Instead of simply abolishing it, which would be a complicated process with many organisations reliant on the index, the Government intends to change the way it is calculated to align it with CPIH.

This would have the effect of softening the impact of the measure while not getting rid of it entirely. The change is set to take effect by February 2030.

High Court challenge

Now however, this decision is being challenged through the courts by the above-mentioned pension schemes.

Those schemes argue that changing RPI to match CPIH will costs the schemes, and their members, billions in lower returns.

These schemes see their values uprated by the rate of RPI each year and could wipe out valuable rises for members. For the BT scheme, for instance, some 82,000 members will see around £2.8 billion in value wiped out by the change, costing each member around £34,000.

The case also argues that the holders of £90 billion-worth of Government RPI-linked gilts will lose out in rises as a result. Pension schemes would be affected as these RPI-linked gilts form a large proportion of their holdings. The Government says it doesn’t intend to offer any compensation to such gilt holders.

Overall, the case argues, RPI-linked pension holders will see 4-9% of their pension values wiped out by the change.

How could it affect me?

While it is uncommon for most pension schemes to have RPI-linked increases, it is still possible and worth checking. It is also worth ensuring that portfolio holdings aren’t overly exposed to RPI-linked assets such as gilts, although the readjustment in value for these will have largely already taken place.

If you’re unsure of whether your pension, or any other assets, might be affected by the changes, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us to discuss.

Annuity rates hit eight-year high - are they worth considering again?

Annuity rates have reached their highest level in eight years. But is it time to consider this former staple of retirement income again?

Inflation is reaching multi-decade highs at the moment, and looks set to stay higher for longer. The upward spike in price rises caught many central banks, including the Bank of England, off guard.

As a result, the bank is hiking its core interest rate to combat those price rises. The organisation is mandated by the Government to keep inflation levels at around 2% – and it is currently nowhere near achieving this, with inflation measured by the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) at around 9.1% according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

For this reason, the Bank of England is intent on hiking rates, which currently stand at 1.25% – the highest level since 2009. This is where the rise in annuity rates comes in.

What are annuities?

Annuities are a form of retirement income product. Before 2015 when pension freedoms were introduced, they were a much more common product to opt for at retirement than today.

But a decade of low rates, and changes in the rules for accessing pension cash effectively killed the market.

When you purchase an annuity, you exchange cash in your pension for a product that pays you a guaranteed income, generally for the rest of your life. You can get different types of annuities – including level annuities which pay the same amount every year, escalating annuities which rise at a fixed rate each year or inflation-linked annuities which rise (or fall) with inflation.

The length of an annuity also varies, with short, fixed term or lifetime annuities. Impaired annuities also exist, which pay out at a higher level if you have any pre-existing conditions such as obesity or diabetes, or if you are a smoker. Protection can also be built into an annuity in the form of spouse’s income, guarantee payment period or value protection. Each of these options will affect the rate of annuity you can achieve.

Depending on the product you pick, you exchange the cash in your pension for a regular income.

Why are annuity rates hitting new highs?

Providers of annuities will typically take your money and invest in low-risk assets such as bonds. As bond yields have risen this year thanks to adverse investment market conditions, so annuity rates have also moved upwards.

Annuity rates are also rising because the bank rate is rising. These rates move in the same way as cash savings, rising with interest rates. Annuity rates are increasing at the quickest pace in 30 years currently.

Is it time to buy?

Annuities are looking like a more attractive option, and could feasibly be considered as part of a wider portfolio of investments. It could be an especially attractive option if your long-term life expectancy is short thanks to medical conditions, lifestyle or age.

As is the case for all wealth solutions, it makes sense not to put all your eggs in one basket. Annuities can provide some income peace of mind, but are also not very flexible, unlike investments that produce an income from other assets such as bonds or equities.

Pension freedoms, when introduced, were very popular for a good reason – giving retirees much more choice over what happens to their lifetime of wealth growth.

Annuity rates will also change again over time – it’s impossible to say whether they will continue to climb, or will reverse as markets normalise and inflation peaks.

If you would like to discuss your options, or for any queries in general, don’t hesitate to get in touch with your financial adviser.

investment scam

Cost-of-living crisis scams – how to spot the latest tricks from fraudsters

Financial scams are more prevalent than ever, and scammers are finding evermore ingenious ways to part you or your loved ones from your money. The cost-of-living crisis has provided fraudsters with yet another way to try and swindle you.

And banks, which are now bound by a code of conduct for victims of scams, are becoming more unreliable than ever when it comes to handling those cases, according to an investigation by consumer group Which?.

While in many cases banks are now obliged to reimburse you for loss of money thanks to fraudsters, the process is by no means easy, and it can take a lot of time to recover stolen funds.

It’s therefore essential to know how to protect yourself in the first place, and to recognise some of the latest ways in which they try to fool us.

  1. Cost-of-living crisis scammers

This is a new type of scam which will often come through a text message, email or phone call. One of the biggest tools scammers have, is to weaponise anything that is being whipped up as something to be worried about in the media.

At the moment the scammers’ zeitgeist is the cost-of-living crisis. With Chancellor Rishi Sunak promising thousands more in support for vulnerable households, scammers will no doubt be trying to get in touch with people to steal their bank account details while purporting to be from the Government, your local council, bank, or any other institutions.

But the truth is that these cost-of-living payments are being made automatically, and in many cases you don’t need to make contact with any authority. Certainly, none will be in direct contact with you about it, so just ignore any supposed outreach!

For the recent £150 energy relief payments, if you haven’t had it yet, try giving your local council a ring, or look on their website for new information.

  1. Advance fee fraud

Another recent rising scam, which Lloyds Bank has warned it has seen a 90% rise in instances of, is advance fee fraud.

This is again likely coloured by scammer references to cost-of-living crisis help, or at least easy credit in the face of rising bills.

Advance fee fraud leads people to enter their contact details on websites which appear legitimate when looking to take out a loan or a credit card. The website will then ask for an ‘advance’ payment – which you will never see again.

Liz Ziegler, director of fraud and financial crime at Lloyds Bank, comments: “Organised crime gangs will ruthlessly exploit any change in consumer behaviour. We saw that during the pandemic with the surge in purchase scams as certain goods became scarce and more people shopped online.

“The important thing to remember is that a genuine loan company will never ask for an upfront payment before releasing the funds. If you’re concerned in any way about your finances there are lots of organisations that can help, and it always makes sense to speak to your bank first.”

Key here to spotting the signs of a scam is strange looking URLs in your internet browser, spelling mistakes or poor-quality logos on websites. Unfortunately, these scammers do often just mimic the official websites of normal financial firms, so being highly vigilant if you’re looking to take on any new debt is essential.

  1. Bank account bait-and-switch

Another rising bank scam, reported by many of the major banks, is a so-called ‘bait-and-switch’ scam.

Instead of trying to directly swindle you, the scammer will get in touch pretending to be from your bank to say your account or other financial details have been compromised. They will encourage you to move your funds into a family member’s or friend’s account ‘for safe keeping.’

Your money is safe at this point but the next bit of the scam – the ‘switch’ – will see the scammer get back in touch to say your new, safe, account is ready for you. At this point they get you to move funds and if successful, will have control of your money.

The really important thing to remember with this one is that a bank will never get in touch with you in this way. If a bank does contact you, it will be through official channels such as your app or by letter.

The first thing to do if you do have someone contact you is to cease the exchange politely then search out the correct details for your provider and contact them directly to confirm what the situation might be.

Families face inheritance tax bill shock thanks to house price boom

Home-owning families are facing surging inheritance tax (IHT) bills as house prices continue to rise precipitously, new data from Wealth Club shows.

Analysis from the firm shows that the average IHT bill will likely exceed £266,000 in the 2022/2023 financial year. This is thanks to fast-rising property prices in the past two years and represents a 27% increase on pre-pandemic levels.

House prices have risen spectacularly during the pandemic, with prices up 10% in 2021 alone, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS). House prices are now slowing, according to Zoopla, but still rising around 8.4% year-on-year in March.

The simple fact is homeowners are increasingly falling into the IHT trap, thanks simply to having invested in buying their own home. IHT receipts for the Government have increased every year in the last decade and are up by 57% since 2012/2013.

What to do about IHT

Although there is essentially an unavoidable aspect to paying IHT and associated levies, there are mitigations that can be made to lessen the tax burden on your estate.

The nil rate band for IHT stands at £325,000 and hasn’t changed since 2011. There is also a residence nil-rate band of up to £175,000 over the initial £325,000.

If you’re married these rates can essentially be combined, meaning a married couple can pass on a property worth up to £1 million effectively – or a property worth £350,000 and other assets worth £650,000.

But the reason why more estates fall into paying IHT every year is because these nil-rate bands have been frozen for over a decade. As assets you won increase in value, the likelihood of breaching the band gets closer.

Preparing for IHT takes good wealth planning, well in advance.

Gifting is a really good way to do this as you’re not liable to pay any IHT if you live seven years after a gift, and you can give up to £3,000 in gifts each tax year without incurring any liabilities no matter how long you live after. You can also make any gift ‘out of income’ as long as it doesn’t materially affect your regular earnings from a salary or investments.

There is also a small gifts allowance whereby you can give £250 to as many people as you like in a tax year without any liability. If you have a child getting married you can gift them £5,000, or for a grandchild – £2,500.

But even earlier preparations than this can be made. Pensions for example are exempt from IHT, so holding a good deal of your wealth inside a pension can be very efficient for tax purposes. This is a really important consideration when you’re still in the accumulation phase of your wealth journey, making balancing the amount you are saving into an ISA or pension critical. However, those with substantial pension assets must be aware of the Lifetime Allowance which is a separate tax charge which can become payable on death.

Another method is taking out a life insurance policy which is written into trust, thus not forming a part of your estate. HMRC treats premiums as a lifetime gift, but if they’re below the annual £3,000 exemption or the gifts are out of normal income exemption, then they are considered tax free.

There are other, perhaps more complex ways to mitigate a large IHT bill. If you would like to discuss your options, or for anything else relating to wealth planning, don’t hesitate to get in touch with your financial adviser.