money management

DIY Money Management Could Cost You In The Long Run

People taking a DIY approach to their finances could find they end up losing money. Research has found that despite shunning financial advice, many aren't confident when it comes to making complex decisions.

Whilst it can be tempting to save and manage money by taking a DIY approach to finances, it could end up costing you money. Research suggests that eight in ten people overestimate their own financial capability and could be making decisions that aren't right for them as a result.

Failing to seek financial advice when it could prove valuable may not be an issue for you. But it could be a mistake that your children and grandchildren are making. Knowing when financial advice could be beneficial can be difficult to understand, especially if you haven't received advice in the past. Understanding how financial advice works and when it's useful is important.

According to Aegon, taking a DIY approach to money matters costs savers in the long run. The research found that the most common reason for people not asking for expert help is self-belief in their own ability. However, whilst many were confident when dealing with savings and general insurance products, just one in ten were sure of their ability to make more complex decisions about pensions and investments. When you consider that both these areas are long term and can have a significant impact on future lifestyle, it's crucial that savers feel confident in the decisions they're making.

For example, just 29% of those that haven't sought financial advice are confident in making a decision about when they will retire. This compares to 54% of advised individuals.

Steve Cameron, Pensions Director at Aegon, commented: Managing your own finances can be rewarding, but there's a lot to consider and it's worth remembering that the financial decisions you make can have lasting implications for the rest of your life. That's why working with a financial adviser often makes huge sense.

Financial planning isn't a one-size-fits-all approach. It's designed around the individual to meet their personal needs and circumstances and can be invaluable in providing peace of mind, helping individuals make the right choices for their future wealth. There's a real danger that poor decisions can mean plans unravel, putting people's financial future in jeopardy. Having a professional by your side helps make sense of your options, many of which you might not know you even had.

The financial benefit of advice

Whilst the above focuses on how confident people are about their financial decisions, past research has highlighted the monetary impact of not seeking advice too.

The International Longevity Centre has tracked how asset values have changed for individuals receiving advice and those opting for a DIY approach. The findings highlight how financial advice can help wealth grow:

  • Whilst not having enough wealth is often a common reason for not seeking financial advice, the research indicates it can have an even greater impact. The individuals defined as 'just getting by' saw a 24% boost to their pension wealth compared to the 11% experienced by 'affluent' individuals
  • Building an ongoing relationship with a financial adviser was also found to be beneficial; those that received advice at both points in the analysis had nearly 50% higher average pension wealth than those only advised at the start

When can financial advice help you?

So, when should you seek financial advice? The International Longevity Centre report indicates that there is a benefit for working with a financial adviser on an ongoing basis. However, there are points in your life when one-off financial advice can be invaluable. This will, of course, depend on your personal circumstance, but could include:

  • At retirement, you may have many financial decisions to make that will affect the rest of your life. Working with a financial adviser can help you understand what your options are and the income you can expect throughout retirement.
  • Estate planning can be complex. Part of this will include understanding your current wealth, how it will change, and how this can be distributed among loved ones. It may also include taking steps to reduce Inheritance Tax if this is a concern.
  • Following children, you may want to take steps to ensure you can provide financial support in the future. This may include supporting them through university or a deposit to get on the property ladder. Laying out plans and choosing the right products soon rather than later can help.
  • After a divorce, your priorities and goals may have shifted significantly. Taking financial advice at this point gives you a chance to reassess your current situation and whether you're on track to achieve the future you want.

If you'd like to understand how financial advice could help your loved ones, whether on an ongoing basis or as a one-off, please contact us. We'd be happy to discuss your circumstances and where we can add value to your life.

Please note: A pension is a long-term investment. The fund value may fluctuate and can go down, which would have an impact on the level of pension benefits available. Your pension income could also be affected by the interest rates at the time you take your benefits. The tax implications of pension withdrawals will be based on your individual circumstances, tax legislation and regulation which are subject to change in the future.

The value of your investment can go down as well as up and you may not get back the full amount you invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.


5 Things To Keep In Mind When You Review Your Investments In 2020

2019 is over, how has your investment portfolio performed over the last 12 months? We take a look at some of the things to keep in mind as you review investments and plan for 2020.

2019 was a year marked by uncertainty and volatility in the investment markets. So, when it comes to reviewing your portfolio's performance, it's important to keep some things in mind.

There were numerous factors influencing markets last year, many of which would have been impossible to predict. In the UK, Brexit continued to be uncertain, with a new Prime Minister and a General Election taking place over the course of the year. Trade tensions between the US and China have a far-reaching impact, highlighting how events taking place across the Atlantic can still affect European businesses and prospects.

But those that stuck to their investment plans, could still have come out on top, despite the highs and lows.

Take the FTSE 100, for example.

On Wednesday 2nd January 2019, the FTSE 100 price was 6,734.23. A year later, on Thursday 2nd January it had reached 7,704.3. Whilst volatile periods where values fell may have made some investors nervous, those that stuck to investment plans would have benefited overall. The figures demonstrate why it's important to look at overall trends rather than the day-to-day ups and downs investors experience.

So, whether you're pleased with your portfolio's performance in 2020 or disappointed, there are some things to keep in mind as you review it.

  1. Your long-term goals should remain centre stage

Investment volatility can make it easy to focus on the short term and those temporary peaks and troughs. But you shouldn't invest with a short-term goal. As a result, your long-term plans (those that are at least five years away) should be the focus of your investment portfolio. Whether your goal is to create a nest egg for early retirement or to leave something behind for grandchildren, reviewing what they are and whether you're on track is important.

  1. Volatility is to be expected

Volatility is a part of investing. Over the course of a year the value of your portfolio will rise and fall, sometimes dramatically. It can be daunting to see the value of your investments plummet, but it's not something that can be avoided. You may be tempted to sell investments when values fall, as you don't want them to fall any further. However, it's important to remember that values falling is a paper loss only until you decide to sell, when the reduced value is locked in.

  1. Look at the bigger picture

Rather than looking at short-term volatility, it pays to look at the bigger picture. Over the long term, investments will usually deliver returns that allow you to grow your wealth. Looking at a twelve-month snapshot of your investment portfolio may show investments have underperformed but look back over the last five or ten years, and you'll hopefully be on track.

  1. Review your risk profile

All investments come with some level of risk, but you can choose how much risk you take. This should be tied to your overall financial position and attitude. When reviewing your portfolio's performance, you should review your investment portfolio too. Differing circumstances and goals may mean that what was once appropriate, no longer is. It's important that you feel comfortable with the level of risk you're taking with investments. As a general rule, the greater the risk, the higher the potential returns. But you're also more likely to see a fall in investment values too.

  1. Ensure your portfolio is appropriately diversified

When it comes to investing, diversifying is important. It's a strategy that allows you to spread your money and, therefore, the risk. By investing in a range of assets and businesses, you stand a better chance of smoothing out the highs and lows. This is because whilst one particular sector may be affected by tariffs, another could be thriving. How your portfolio is diversified should reflect your goals and risk profile.

Looking ahead to 2020

Many of the geopolitical tensions that had an impact in 2019 continue into the new year too. But there are things for investors to be enthusiastic about too.

According to fund managers Schroders: After a strong 2019, we expect market returns to be more muted in 2020. Under the surface, however, there are opportunities.

2019 saw a strong performance from the most expensive assets, be it defensive 'quality' stocks or European bonds. This means that an anaemic economic environment is reflected in market valuation.

As data stabilises and the risk of recession is reduced by central bank action, a general theme across our investment teams is that we are seeking to exploit some of the extremes in valuations that this flight to perceived 'safety' has created. This means focusing on areas of relative value, be it favouring US bonds over negative-yielding European bonds, international stocks over US equities or cyclical stocks over defensive stocks.

Remember, your investment plan should be tailored to you and your goals. As a result, investments should be looked at in the context of your wider financial plan, rather than something separate. If you'd like to discuss your investments in 2020 and beyond, please get in touch with us.

Please note: The value of your investment can go down as well as up and you may not get back the full amount you invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.


How Do UK Pensions Compare To The Rest Of The World?

A report has ranked different pension schemes from around the world. So, how does the UK measure up and what could it learn from the top performers?

Pensions are a crucial part of planning for retirement. But how do pensions in the UK compare to the rest of the world and how can you make the most of your savings?

Australian research has compared the pension systems of 37 different countries. It assessed a range of different indicators, from savings though to operating costs. It looked at both social security systems and private sectors. The report aims to inform pension decisions. It notes that ageing populations are placing pressure on governments around the world.

So, how did the UK do?

After all the indicators are considered, the UK ranks 14th, earning a C+ grade. Whilst that's not bad, it certainly suggested that there's room for improvement. In fact, the research suggested that there are major risks and shortcomings that should be addressed to improve efficacy and long-term sustainability.

At the top of the table were the Netherlands and Denmark, both earning an A grade, followed by Australia with a B.

How can the UK pension system improve?

The good news is that the UK is already taking steps to improve its pension score. The UK's overall score increased from 62.5 to 64.4 in the last year. This boost was partly due to auto enrolment and increased minimum contribution levels. But, whilst a step in the right direction, the report identifies areas that could be improved. These include:

  • Increasing the coverage of auto enrolment: The majority of employees are now covered by auto enrolment, it misses out some key groups. This includes the self-employed and some part-time workers.
  • Raising minimum contribution levels: The current minimum contribution level is 8% of pensionable earnings. This is made up of employee and employer contributions. Whilst better than not saving into a pension, this falls below recommended saving levels to maintain lifestyles.
  • Require retirees to take some of their pension as an income stream: Since 2015 retirees have had more freedom in how they access their pension. Should they choose to, they can withdraw it as a single lump sum, for example. However, the report recommends restoring the requirement to take part of retirement savings as an income stream.
  • Raising household saving: The report also highlighted saving levels compared to household debt. Having debt in retirement can have a significant impact on lifestyle and income.

How do pensions in the Netherlands and Denmark differ?

Looking at the overall results of the research, the UK falls within the middle. But how does it compare to those that claim the A ranking?

  • The Netherlands: Most employees in the Netherlands belong to occupational schemes that are Defined Benefit plans. Defined Benefit (DB) pension schemes offer a guaranteed income in retirement. This is often linked to years of service and working salary. This gives retirees certainty and means they take less responsibility for their pension income. There are DB schemes available in the UK but the number of these is falling. This is due to the cost of administering them rising as life expectancy rises. As a result, Defined Contribution (DC) schemes are more common in the UK. The income delivered from a DC pension depends on contribution levels and investment performance. Therefore, they offer less security in retirement.
  • Denmark: Like the UK, most pensions in Denmark are DC schemes. However, there are some key differences. Everyone that works more than nine hours in Demark between the ages of 16 and 67 must contribute to the supplementary pension fund. This means coverage is larger than auto enrolment in the UK. Employees can also not opt-out of ATP. Another crucial difference is that after saving through ATP, a pension is then paid in instalments once you reach retirement age. This provides a stable income throughout retirement. In contrast, UK pensioners can choose how and when they make pension withdrawals once they reach the age of 55.

Taking control of your pension

The UK might not come out top of the research. But that doesn't mean that you can't take steps to ensure you have the retirement you want. Setting out your goals and careful planning can help you secure the retirement you want. If you're worried, you'll face a pension shortfall, among the steps to take are:

  • Assess how far your current saving habits will go: Hopefully, you're already paying into a pension or making other provisions for retirement. Assessing how this will add up between now and retirement is crucial. You should also look at the level of income it will deliver annually.
  • Increasing contributions: If you've been auto enrolled into a Workplace Pension, it's likely you're paying the minimum contribution levels. However, this often isn't enough to achieve retirement dreams and you can increase contributions. In some cases, your employer will increase their contributions in line with yours.
  • Understand your investments: If you have a DC pension scheme, your contributions will usually be invested. This helps your savings to grow. But how much risk should you take and what performance can you expect over the long term? Getting to grips with how your pension is invested can help you make decisions that are right for you.

Please get in touch if you'd like to discuss your current pension and retirement plans. We'd be happy to help you understand whether you're on track and the lifestyle you can look forward to in retirement.

Please note: A pension is a long-term investment. The fund value may fluctuate and can go down, which would have an impact on the level of pension benefits available. Your pension income could also be affected by the interest rates at the time you take your benefits. The tax implications of pension withdrawals will be based on your individual circumstances, tax legislation and regulation which are subject to change in the future.

The World In A Week

The World In A Week - Big Headlines, Small Details

Geopolitics continued to grab headlines last week. The US-Iran conflict is currently the biggest source of instability for investors, although tensions showed signs of abating as the week progressed, with both sides relaying that retaliation was over. Despite the White House making noises regarding further economic sanctions, we do not expect further escalation around this specific situation. The cynic in us however believes that should Trump's ratings deteriorate; we could see these tensions rekindled.

There was good news in the UK; following several days of debate, the Commons approved Boris Johnson's agreement on how the UK would leave the European Union on 31st January 2020. This decision is now waiting for approval from the House of Lords. In what has been a long-awaited step forward, we are now set for intense discussion between the UK and Brussels, who cannot agree on how long discussions over the future relationship should last, with the chair of the European Commission voicing her concerns that it will be impossible to reach an agreement by the end of 2020. We think that it is highly likely that Boris Johnson will ask for an extension to the transition period by the end of the deadline, 30th June 2020, and that UK equity markets will subsequently rise.

Markets were buoyant last week, despite the tensions between Iran and the US. The most likely explanation for this is that Trump is due to sign the Phase I agreement with China in Washington on Wednesday, which will cement the foundations for the next phase of negotiations. While the downward pressure on global growth for the year ahead has relented, we must remind ourselves that the agreement has limitations, as most of the tariffs will remain in place.

The World In A Week

The World In A Week - New Decade, Old Problems

We welcome not only a new year, but also a new decade.

At the start of last year, we stated that in our opinion, the main risks were Trade, Brexit and Central Banks. Last year was arguably dominated by Central Banks, with a synchronised easing around the globe, most notably in the US, where Jerome Powell executed a complete U-turn, neutralising the previous rate hikes under his tenure.

The baton has now been dramatically passed to politics, which in general behaved quite sensibly in 2019: the elongated drama surrounding trade with China and the US eventually got to Phase 1 and, in the UK, Brexit progressed up the next rung of the ladder.

However, 2020 has brought political uncertainty back to the fore. The hangover had barely dissipated when news that a drone strike by the US had killed one of Iran's most powerful generals. The obvious fear is the assassination will ignite another major conflict in the Middle East, after Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei promised: severe retaliation. What form this will take is again, uncertain, but some sort of cyber-attack looks the most likely, particularly as we enter the US Presidential Election year.

Will Iran be the protagonist in this year's election, as Russia allegedly became in 2016? The US Election was already high on the list of risks for 2020, along with many other political situations around the world, however this has certainly been escalated in our views.

Experience has taught us not to make knee-jerk reactions. This becomes increasingly difficult for the investor, with the media's continued use of more volatile headlines, which are hard to ignore. Their remit is to get you to click on the article; our remit is to ensure you have a robust investment process as your foundation.

5 Tips For Helping Your Children Get On The Property Ladder In 2020

Aspiring homeowners often face a struggle to secure a deposit. It's a challenge that may be affecting your children and grandchildren. But there are things you can do to help them get on the property ladder in 2020 and improve their financial security in the future.

The good news is that research from Post Office Money suggests first-time buyers are saving a deposit quicker. Yet, it's still taking an average of 3.6 years to save the lump sum required to act as a deposit. When you look at the sums involved, it's not surprising that first-time buyers are taking years to save. The average deposit for a first home in the UK now stands at £43,585. This varies significantly between regions. The lowest average deposit for first-time buyers is £21,696 in Blackpool. This compared to £170,003 in London.

First-time buyer households are putting away £843 a month when building up a deposit. This is the equivalent of 21% of their combined income. They're taking a number of steps to achieve their goal, including:

∑ Working overtime (33%)

∑ Selling items online (25%)

∑ Finding a new, higher paying job (18%)

∑ Using credit cards to cover everyday expenses (15%)

However, just 29% of first-time buyers did so without financial support. With huge growth in property prices over the last couple of decades and more stringent checks from mortgage providers, more people are turning to the Bank of Mum and Dad (or even grandparents).

Why Help First-Time Buyers With A Property Deposit?

Where possible, lending a helping hand with a property deposit can get loved ones on track for financial security.

In many cases, mortgage payments are lower than rental costs. Providing support to help children or grandchildren get on the property ladder that bit quicker can improve their finances immediately. It's a step that can improve their financial security in the long term too. Being able to start paying off a mortgage sooner can help free up income later in life.

Helping The Next Generation Secure Their Deposit

Do you want to help the next generation get on the property ladder? There is more than one way to do it.

1. Gift Loved Ones A Deposit

The most common way parents and grandparents are helping the next generation is by gifting a deposit.

According to Legal and General, the average contribution towards a deposit is £24,100. In total, the Bank of Mum and Dad is estimated to have lent up to £6.3 billion in 2019 alone. It's a gift that can make the dream of homeownership a reality.

But you need to assess the impact on your own finances here too. How would taking a lump sum out of your current wealth affect you in the short, medium and long term? Could it mean that retirement aspirations are no longer feasible? Speaking to a financial adviser can help you understand the impact of gifting a home deposit. It's a step that can give you peace of mind as you help loved ones purchase their home.

2. Loan The Money Needed

When gifting isn't an option, loaning a deposit can be an alternative. If the money isn't needed now but will be in the future, it's an option that may be right for both you and your loved ones.

It's important you take both financial and legal advice if this is an option you're considering. Remember, circumstances can change and having a formal contract in place can provide both parties with security.

3. Research Family Mortgages

It is possible to secure 100% mortgages, meaning homebuyers don't need any deposit at all. However, these are often offset mortgages that need support from family.

For instance, some family mortgages allow you to deposit savings into an account earning interest which then acts as security if repayments aren't made. Others will allow loved ones to take out a 100% mortgage if your own home is used as security.

These options can seem like a simple way to lend a hand. But it's important to keep the risks in mind. If your child or grandchild doesn't keep up with repayments, it's possible you'll lose your savings or even your own home. It's wise to discuss with the homebuyer about what's affordable and what financial safety nets they have before proceeding with a family mortgage.

4. Point Them In The Direction Of Government Schemes

There are several government schemes that can boost efforts to save a deposit that may be right for your children and grandchildren.

First, the Lifetime ISA (LISA) can give a 25% bonus on contributions. A LISA can be opened by individuals between the ages of 18 and 40, and deposits can continue to be added until account holders are 50. Each tax year, £4,000 can be deposited, leading to a maximum bonus of £1,000 a year. Deposits can either be held in cash or invested. The drawback here is that withdrawals before the age of 60 for a purpose other than buying a home will lose the bonus and incur an additional penalty.

Second, a Help to Buy equity loan is also an option. Aspiring homeowners can purchase a new build home with just a 5% deposit, with the equity loan providing a further 20% boost (40% in London). As a result, a 75% mortgage will be needed to make up the rest. It's a scheme that can help first-time buyers secure a property with a lower deposit and one that may have been out of reach otherwise.

However, it's important to keep in mind that the loan will have to be repaid. This can be repaid when the house is sold or the mortgage term ends, whichever is first. Homebuyers that use the Help to Buy scheme should also be mindful of changing house prices. The amount owed is tied to the amount of equity the loan helped you buy. So, if house prices have increased, so will the amount that needs to be repaid. Interest also starts to be added to the equity loan after five years.

5. Speak To Them About The Process

The process of saving a deposit and buying a house can seem complex if you've not done it before. Simply, speaking to children and grandchildren can help get them on the right track.

When calculating how much was needed for a deposit, for example, 23% of first-time buyers took advice from an independent financial adviser. A further 10% asked a parent for help. Having someone to talk to about goals and where extra savings can be made could help first-time buyers achieve their aim that bit sooner.

If you'd like to help children and grandchildren get on the property ladder, it's natural to have some concerns. You may be worried about how taking a lump sum out of your wealth would have an impact or want to ensure those not yet ready to purchase have some help if you're no longer here. Please get in touch with us to discuss how you could help and the short, medium and long-term impact.

Estate Rent Charges: The Charge To Look Out For When Buying Freehold

The potential charges you could face when buying a leasehold property have been covered in the press. We all know that leaseholders are likely to face ground rent, as well as service and maintenance charges, that could rise rapidly. But you might overlook estate rent charges when purchasing a freehold.

When you purchase a leasehold property, you own the property for a fixed period but not the land it stands on. It's often used for flats. As a result, extra charges on top of mortgage payments are to be expected. However, when purchasing a freehold property, you own the house and land with no time limit on the ownership. Usually, this means there aren't any further charges. But some freeholders are finding they have to pay estate rent charges.

What Are Estate Rent Charges?

Usually, when private developers build homes, the local council will 'adopt' the estate. This means taking responsibility for the upkeep of public spaces, maintaining roads and paying for other costs. But the local council aren't forced to do this. With budgets coming under pressure some authorities won't 'adopt' new developments. It's becoming more common for this to happen.

The services a local council would usually provide need to be paid for in some way. As a result, developers establish a way to cover this; estate rent charges.

Paying for the service you'll be benefitting from as a freeholder may sound fair. But estate rent charges are criticised for two key reasons:

1. Freeholders have typically little say in the process and the charges. Often, what they are paying for and whether the decisions made offer good value for money are not transparent.

2. Legally, developers or management companies can take possession of a property if homeowners fall just 40 days behind on their payments. Whilst used rarely, it could mean homeowners effectively lose thousands of pounds due to forgetting to pay a relatively small bill.

If you're considering buying a property with estate rent charges, it's something that should be picked up by your solicitor. During the purchase transaction, your conveyancer should inform you of the charges and how these could change.

3 Problems Estate Rent Charges Can Cause

Even if you're happy to pay rent charges on a property, it's important to consider where it may cause problems in the future.

1. Securing A Mortgage

There have been instances of mortgage applications being declined due to rent charges. Often, it's related to the fact that developers or management firms could take possession of a property, rather than the cost.

If you'll be using a mortgage to purchase your home, it's worth understanding if it'll be a problem for lenders. Checking the criteria of lenders can help you pick a provider that's right for you and the home you want. A mortgage application being declined, for any reason, could have a negative impact on your credit score.

This may not be an issue for you. For instance, you may be a cash buyer or have already spoken to your mortgage provider about the issue. However, you should consider what will happen if you want to sell in the future. Sales could fall through if the interested party is unable to secure a mortgage. This doesn't necessarily mean you shouldn't buy the property but it's something to keep in mind.

2. Selling The Property

Whilst you may be happy to pay rent charges, remember other people may not be. When selling the property, you may find that the pool of potential buyers is smaller. As a result, it's wise to anticipate that it'll take longer to sell your home when the time comes.

An additional cost that they don't have control over could put some prospective buyers off. Being transparent about what you pay, how it's changed over time, and potential increase can help ensure time isn't wasted on those that will be put off. It's a step that can also highlight how it differs from the fast-rising costs that have become associated with leasehold properties.

3. Escalating Estate Rent Charges

Compared to the overall cost of running a home, estate rent charges are usually nominal. However, you should always check how long they'll be payable for and how they could increase in the future. This allows you to make an informed decision about whether purchasing the property is right for you and make allowances for potential costs that may arise long term.

Whilst transparency is an issue, with rent charges some management companies offer freeholders more insight. Being able to see how your money is spent and voice concerns can give you peace of mind about the future.

The Value Of Financial Advice

When we think about the value of financial advice, it can be hard to quantify it. After all, you often can't be sure how your fortunes would have fared, or if your circumstances would be different if you hadn't worked with a financial adviser. But research has shown that it does have real, tangible benefits for clients, as well as being valuable in other areas too.

Despite evidence demonstrating that financial advice can be valuable, nearly half (48%) of adults in the UK have never taken advice. Whilst the cost of advice may be a factor for some, this isn't always the key factor. A third believe that they can manage their finances perfectly well themselves, with this rising to 57% of over-65s.

The Financial Benefits Of Advice

Research completed by the International Longevity Centre highlights how financial advice can help your wealth grow:

∑ Those that received professional financial advice between 2001 and 2006, on average, saw their pensions and financial assets grow by £47,706 in 2014/16

∑ Pension savers classed as 'just getting by' saw a 24% boost to their pension fund, compared to 11% of those considered affluent

∑ Focussing on financial assets, the benefit of financial advice was £16,715 in 2014/16 compared to £13,888 in 2012/14, with a greater impact for 'affluent' groups

Whilst the cost of financial advice may be a prohibiting factor for some, the results show that the benefits can outweigh the initial and ongoing costs.

Whether you choose to receive ongoing advice, with regular reviews, or advice at key moments in your life, both can be useful. For example, you may choose to review your finances with a professional when you start a family or as you approach retirement. However, the research found that individuals who saw a financial adviser several times throughout the research period had nearly 50% more pension wealth on average than those that seek advice only once.

Financial advice can help you make the most of your wealth and put you on the right path for achieving aspirations.

The Non-Financial Benefits Of Advice

The research clearly highlights why financial advice can be useful in terms of growing your assets and pensions. But it's far harder to measure the non-financial benefits. Often, these are intangible, but they can be just as important as the increased value of assets.

Among these benefits are:

Time-Saving: Ensuring you're getting the most out of your money can be time-consuming. You may not have the time or inclination to keep track of your investment performance, forecast your pension income or find the best place to put cash savings. Working with a financial planner can take these responsibilities out of your hands. Your time is valuable and by handing over some of the financial decisions and research to an adviser, you're able to focus on what's most important to you, whether that's your career, family or something else.

Confidence: Financial decisions can have long-term impacts. As a result, it's not surprising that some people can feel apprehensive about their decisions or worry that they've made the wrong choice. Having someone to talk through your decisions and the different options can provide peace of mind. Knowing that a professional has looked at the pros and cons can give you confidence, knowing you've picked a path that's right for you and your goals.

Security: Often when we make financial plans ourselves, we forget to look at what will happen if something doesn't go to plan. Would you still be on track if your income were to stop for six months? Could you still leave an inheritance if care were needed? As part of the financial planning process, we'll help you consider what kind of safety net can provide you with security. For some, this may be holding a greater portion of liquid assets, for others, it could include taking out some form of financial protection.

Keeping Up To Date With Changes: Legislation and regulation are constantly changing. If this isn't part of your job, it can feel impossible to keep up with these and know how to incorporate them into your financial plan. Working with a financial planner can take this weight off your shoulders. As part of your annual review, we'll explain how change has had an impact on your initial plan. You'll also be able to access advice if you have concerns following changes too.

If you'd like to review your financial plan or learn more about how advice can benefit you, please get in touch. Our goal is to create bespoke financial solutions that reflect your aspirations.

Bank Of England Base Rate: Why Does It Matter To You?

When it changes, the Bank of England base rate is something that's featured heavily in the news. But why is it important and when does it matter to you?

The base rate is the interest rate that the Bank of England sets, in turn, it affects the interest rates that banks, building societies and other financial services offer. The base rate changes depending on economic conditions and influences the way consumers behave:

  • Low interest rates mean that borrowing is more affordable, encouraging consumers to spend more. When interest rates are low, we're more likely to consider buying a car using finance or take out a larger mortgage
  • In contrast, high interest rates mean you'll earn more on savings and pay more when borrowing. As a result, it encourages people to save rather than spend

The Bank of England's monetary policy committee sets the base rate, with members voting to leave base rates as they are or change them.

How Has The Base Rate Changed Over Time?

In recent times, we've become used to low-interest rates, but this hasn't always been the case.

The current Bank of England base rate is 0.75%. It's been low for over a decade, following the 2008 financial crisis. In April 2008 the base rate was 5%. However, this was slashed several times over the course of a year in an effort to improve the economy and encourage consumers to spend and support businesses. In August 2016, it was cut even further, to 0.25%, taking it to a historic low. Over the last two years, it has increased but at a very slow pace.

Whilst we've experienced low interest rates for over a decade, this isn't the historic norm.

During the late 80s, the base rate was far higher. In fact, the interest rate reached 15% in 1989. There are many factors that led to this decision but one of the key reasons was that it was seen as a way to reduce inflation.

The current interest rate and that of the late 80s are extremes. Looking at the historical average, interest rates have usually fallen between 4% and 6%.

But how will the Bank of England base rate change in the future? It's impossible to say with certainty, but economic turbulence caused by ongoing Brexit uncertainty could mean that interest rates will fall even further; good news for borrowers but bad news for savers.

At the last monetary policy committee meeting in November, the base rate was held. However, it was the first time since June 2018 that this wasn't a unanimous decision. It could signal that the base rate will be cut further if the UK leaves the EU in a bid to support the economy.

The Impact On Your Finances

The base rate set by the Bank of England affects the interest rate commercial banks will lend money. It's used as a benchmark when lending to businesses and individuals.


You've no doubt noticed that savings have been benefitting from poorer interest rates over the last decade. If, since the financial crisis, you've been a saver rather than a borrower, you're probably worse off.

For much of the last decade cash savings are likely to have grown by only small amounts. In fact, once you factor in inflation, your savings have probably declined in real terms. This means the spending power of your savings has been reduced.

In the past, cash savings may have offered you a way to grow your wealth safely over the long term. But lower interest rates may now mean it's more appropriate to invest in order to outpace inflation.


In contrast, borrowers have benefitted from the low interest environment. It's cheaper than ever before to borrow money. The interest rates for credit cards, loans and other forms of borrowing are competitive.

One of the areas you may have noticed this in is your mortgage. Our mortgage is often the largest loan we'll ever take out and interest payments can be significant. If you had a tracker mortgage, which tracks the Bank of England base rate, at the time of the financial crisis, you'll have noticed minimum payments fell.

Lower interest rates make borrowing more affordable. They also present the opportunity to overpay and reduce debt quicker, whilst paying less interest.

The Bank of England base rate may affect the best way to use your money. At some point, it's wise to quickly pay off debt but in others, it can be more prudent to save or invest your capital. If you'd like to discuss how to get the most out of your wealth in the current low interest environment, please contact us.

The World In A Week

The World In A Week - Santa Claus, Here We Come.

Last week the sole focus for UK citizens and investors was the UK election. The Conservatives sealed a landslide victory, their largest in decades, which saw the Pound jump and the UK equity market rally; smaller and mid-sized companies were notable beneficiaries. In what has felt like an age of political stalemate, Boris will now have 100 days to deliver his budget; tax breaks for workers via a change in National Insurance have been promised and are expected to be confirmed in the first budget. The relationship the UK will have with Europe, however, is still unclear.

It was also a good week for US equity markets, which closed on a strong note following the announcement that President Trump wouldagree to a limited, dubbed Phase 1, trade deal with China, which would mean a hold on new tariffs that were due to take effect on 15th December. Most sectors rallied, the S&P 500 returned more than 0.5% while the Nasdaq edged up in excess of 0.75%.

As always, there is still much more information required around Brexit and the US-China trade negotiations, but markets typically like certainty and were generally more buoyant last week; with broad felt optimism we wish for a sustained Santa Claus rally.

It has been a great year for Beaufort Investment; we broke through £1bn in assets under management, we were the recipient of the coveted Money Marketing Best Discretionary Manager Award and our Active Model Portfolio service reached it's 15-year anniversary. In terms of performance, our Model Portfolios performed well, despite a difficult global geopolitical backdrop.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our clients for their ongoing support of the Model Portfolios and the recently launched funds and wish you a happy festive period.

We will be taking a break from penning The World In A Week and will return on 6th January 2020.