The World In A Week - The price is right?

Written by Millan Chauhan.

Last week, UK inflation data came out revealing that the cost of living rose by 4.2% in the 12 months to October 2021 which exceeded initial estimates of 3.9%. The figure is just over double the Bank of England’s target rate and is now at a 10-year high. The Bank of England decided earlier in November to maintain interest rates at 0.1% and is set to meet later next month on 16th December to assess the domestic monetary policy situation. The sharp rise in inflation has been attributed to rising gas and fuel prices but only marginal increases for items such as food. Hence, price rises are being experienced at billed expenditure level which is often paid by direct debits or prepayments and is arguably less immediately noticeable to the end consumer. However, the price increase seen at a weekly grocery shop level has been much less high, hence consumers may not directly be seeing inflation in the market, but it certainly exists.

Elsewhere in the US, President Biden’s new infrastructure bill was successfully approved by the House of Representatives and signed into law, which on paper is a $1.75 trillion spending plan that includes spending of $550 billion on the country’s bridges, airports, waterways, and public transit lines. The bill will also devote resources towards funding new climate control and broadband initiatives which includes creating more electric charging point terminals.

Finally, numerous states in the EU are re-entering lockdowns or implementing social restrictions following a spike in the number of COVID-19 cases as we head into the winter season. European countries are operating a different severity of restrictions with the Czech Republic’s Prime Minister, Andrej Babis boldly stating that non-vaccinated people would be banned from attending public events and services. According to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, 66% of individuals in the EU region are now double vaccinated but this includes countries with a much slower uptake of the vaccine which has resulted in a much higher number of reported cases.

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