COVID-19. Working with you

COVID-19 is affecting us all. We need to work together to stay safe, and we want to reassure you of the steps we are taking at Beaufort Financial.

Safety is paramount and as such we are minimising business travel such as home visits and we are discouraging face to face client meetings. This keeps the more vulnerable members of our community safe. We have technology in place that will allow us to “meet” virtually. Our preferred method of communication is Skype, although we can use others.

Our administration office remains open. If a member of staff is unwell, even slightly, they will be instructed to stay home. We may move to complete home working. We are a small team with the flexibility to adapt quickly.

Importantly, we plan to continue offering the same high level of service, albeit in a largely non face to face environment.

If you do require a conversation with Leigh or Lynda about the current situation, please get in touch.

From our Team Page you will be able to find the contact information for all team member if you wish to contact any of us.

For general queries please use our Contact Page

We continue to monitor the situation regarding Covid-19 (Coronavirus) and are following all advice issued by the Government and Public Health England.

Thank you for your support and understanding.

We will keep in touch as things change but do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.