Why You Should Have A Power Of Attorney In Place

Millions of Brits haven’t named a Power of Attorney. It may seem like something you can put off for a while, but it’s something we should all have in place.

A Power of Attorney is a legal document which gives someone you trust the ability to make decisions on your behalf if you’re unable to do so. Thinking about lacking the mental or physical capacity to be independent and make decisions isn’t something anyone wants to do. However, it can happen and having a Power of Attorney in place can provide you with some security if it does happen.

Being unable to make your own decisions is often something we associate with old age and dementia in particular. As a result, naming a Power of Attorney can seem like something that’s fine to put off for a few years or even longer. Yet, accidents and illnesses can strike at any age. It’s important to note that a Power of Attorney can make decisions on your behalf on a temporary basis as well as a permanent one. If you were to recover and in a position to take control of decisions again, you can do so.

You may think that you wouldn’t need someone to act on your behalf, that everything would stay on the course you’ve set out. But even being unable to make decisions for a few months can have a lasting impact. There are two types of Power of Attorney to consider when looking at what would happen if there was no one making decisions on your behalf.

Health and welfare: This relates to areas such as medical care, moving into a care home and life-sustaining treatment. You may have clear ideas about what you’d like to happen should you become ill. A Power of Attorney allows you to discuss these with a loved one who will then be able to make these decisions.

Property and financial affairs: This type of Power of Attorney allows a trusted person to manage your bank, pay bills and collect your pension. It can help ensure your finances remain secure and commitments are met. Even a few months could have an impact if someone isn’t able to access your accounts to settle bills, for example.

It’s also important to note that no one has the automatic right to make decisions on your behalf, this includes spouses and civil partners.

What happens if there’s no Power of Attorney?

If you don’t have a valid Power of Attorney in place, an application would need to be made through the Court of Protection. The Court of Protection can decide if you’re able to make your own decisions, make an order if you lack the mental capacity to make decisions, or appoint a deputy to make decisions on your behalf. The process can be costly and lengthy, delaying decisions that may be important. It’s a process that can be stressful for both you and your loved ones.

4 reasons to have a Power of Attorney

  1. A Power of Attorney should be part of your financial plan when considering ‘what-if’ scenarios and putting in place measures to ensure your security and plans stay on track as much as possible.
  2. It can provide financial security if something were to happen by enabling someone to take control of your finances, including ensuring payments are met and you’re able to access income.
  3. It’s also an opportunity to make sure your care and health wishes are met by discussing them with your trusted Power of Attorney.
  4. The legal document also supports loved ones, without one in place it can be difficult and time consuming to go through the Court of Protection to act on your behalf.

Supporting other estate plans

Naming a Power of Attorney should be done alongside a wider estate plan too. This may include writing or reviewing your will and considering a potential Inheritance Tax bill when you pass away. Putting these pieces in place together can ensure a cohesive plan that is aligned with your wishes. If you’d like to discuss legacy planning and safeguarding your future, please get in touch.

Please note: The Financial Advice Authority does not regulate Power of Attorney, will writing or estate planning.

Dividends And Coronavirus: Will Your Income Be Affected?

As businesses have been hit by the coronavirus pandemic, some have decided to cut dividends and regulators are adding pressure for others to follow suit. This may leave a hole in your income if you rely on dividends.

According to reports from The Times, investors have suffered a dividend cut of at least £600 million as some of the UK’s biggest businesses aim to conserve cash during the coronavirus pandemic. A wide range of business sectors has been impacted by the virus and resulting lockdown, leading to profits tumbling. As a result, firms have taken steps to hold cash as a buffer and, in some cases, regulators have stepped in. The UK banking regulator, for example, wants banks to suspend dividends temporarily. Some businesses are also using the government’s scheme to furlough staff, therefore taking money off the taxpayer, leading to questions around whether these firms should continue to make payouts to shareholders.

Why does this affect investors?

If you’re investing in growth stocks with a long-term plan, the recent market volatility isn’t likely to have a significant impact on your goals overall. However, it’s a different story if you rely on dividends to top-up your income.

A dividend is the distribution of a portion of the company’s earnings paid to shareholders. Dividends are managed by the company’s board of directors and must be approved by shareholders through their voting rights. Dividends are typically paid in cash, but can also be issued as shares, and may be issued at regular intervals.

As a result, dividend-paying companies may be used as part of an income investment portfolio. These typically involve investing in well-established companies that no longer need to reinvest the majority of profits back into the business to reach goals. As a result, high growth businesses typically don’t pay out dividends.

For the most part, once a company has established dividends, investors expect this to continue, but that doesn’t mean they will. As even established firms face uncertainty in light of the pandemic and more are choosing to either freeze or suspend dividends in the short term.

Whilst historically dividends have tended to be less volatile than the stock market itself, this doesn’t mean they are a ‘safe’ investment. Investing for income, including dividend-paying companies, still comes with risks that need to be considered.

So, if dividends make up a portion of your income, what can you do?

  1. Reduce outgoings

If your income has been affected, the first thing to do is understand what it means for your finances in the short term. If there is a shortfall in covering essential outgoings, there are currently government-backed schemes in place to support households, including mortgage holidays. Where possible, it may be necessary to reduce outgoings temporarily to match the reduction in income.

  1. Use your emergency fund

Everyone should have a cash emergency fund they can fall back on should their income drop. Ideally, this should be easily accessible and have enough to pay for three to six months of outgoings. Often clients can feel reluctant to access this money they’ve put away for a rainy day, but it’s times like these that you’ve been saving for.

  1. Create an income from other assets

If your income from dividend-paying stocks has fallen, you could build an income stream from other assets that you hold. What’s possible and whether or not it’s the right decision for you will depend on a variety of factors. If this is something you’d like to discuss, please get in touch with us.

  1. Keep your investment plans in mind

If dividends have been reduced or halted altogether, you may be tempted to dump the stocks and look at alternatives. However, keep the bigger picture in mind.

Given the current situation, it’s likely many dividend-paying companies are in a similar position for the time being. A reduction in dividends can be a prudent move and ensure sustainability, therefore protecting your dividend income over the long term. If you’re worried about how secure a firm is, research why the changes to dividends have been made. A statement is often made available on the firm’s website. This may be able to provide you with some reassurance that the changes are temporary.

  1. Speak to us

We’re here to help ease concerns you have about your financial situation and what it means for your plans. This includes a reduction in dividend income. Whether you want to understand what it means in the short term or are considering making investment changes due to this, please get in touch with us.

Please note: The value of your investment can go down as well as up and you may not get back the full amount you invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.


5 Tips For Keeping Pensions On Track During The Pandemic

During the market volatility, you may be worried about what it means for your pension. We take a look at five things to keep in mind to ensure your pension and retirement stay on track.

For most of us, pensions are invested with the hopes of delivering returns over the long term and it’s something we plan to pay into over our working lives. But the current pandemic may have impacted on your plans and the current value of your pension.

If you’re worried about the impact of coronavirus on your pension, you’re not alone. Research from Aegon found that many pension savers are anxious about their retirement savings. Perhaps unsurprisingly, older generations that will have more saved into a pension and maybe nearer to retirement are the most concerned. The survey found:

  • A third (33%) of 18 to 34-year-olds checked the performance of their investments in March, amid significant market volatility
  • This compared to 53% of pension savers aged between 55 and 64

This divide was also reflected in who was paying attention to market movements. Some 72% of the older group were doing so, compared to 44% of younger savers. This is despite younger generations being more likely to take this time to make one-off investments, which 28% have done compared to just 10% of those approaching retirement.

For all generations, there is a risk that rash decisions will have a long-term impact. For those still building up their pension savings, this could include halting contributions as worries about job and financial security become a concern. For those accessing their pension, failing to factor in market downturns if taking withdrawals could also have an impact on long-term value.

So, what can you do to keep your pension on track?

  1. Maintain contributions

Given the current economic uncertainty, workers still paying into their pension may consider reducing or pausing their pension contributions. However, due to the effects of compounding even a relatively short break from making pension contributions can have a long-term impact. Keep in mind your own contributions will benefit from tax relief and, if you’re employed, contributions from your employer too. As a result, by halting your own contributions, you’re effectively giving up this ‘free money’.

If you find you can’t continue to make contributions, be sure that you understand the long-term impact and what it could mean for your retirement.

  1. Don’t make rash financial decisions

With bold headlines and falling values, you may be tempted to make adjustments to your investments or make larger withdrawals from your pension to keep it ‘safe’. However, it’s important to keep in mind that a pension is a long-term investment that should have considered the impact short-term volatility would have. Keep this in mind if you’re thinking about making a knee-jerk reaction to the current market movements.

Making rash decisions is something the Association of British Insurers (ABI) has warned about. Yvonne Braun, Director of Policy, Long-Term Savings and Protection at ABI, said: “Rushed financial decisions are rarely the right ones, even at this worrying and uncertain time. Lockdown will not last forever but the decisions you make today about your pension could impact on your standard of living for years to come.

“Now, more than ever, it is important to think longer term, consider your options and seek advice and guidance before making any decisions.”

  1. Review your portfolio

Whilst the media has focused on the fall stocks have experienced, for many pension savers, this isn’t all your portfolio is made up of. Your portfolio is likely to contain a mix of assets, which can help cushion the fall seen on global markets. You may have seen that the FTSE fell 30% due to coronavirus, but it’s unlikely the fall your pension has experienced is this high. In addition, markets have started to recover, they haven’t reached the levels they were at earlier in the year, but the fall isn’t as significant as it was.

If you’re worried about reading headline figures, looking at your own portfolio is likely to show the impact of volatility isn’t as bad as you first imagined. It can help put worries into perspective.

  1. Assess withdrawals if you’re accessing your pension

A dip in the value of pension investments isn’t usually something to worry about if retirement is some way off. If, however, your pension is in drawdown and you’re already making withdrawals, it’s worth assessing the impact these will have. As you’ll need to sell off more assets to receive the same income as you’d have done at the beginning of the year, this can deplete your retirement savings quicker. Where possible, temporarily stopping or reducing withdrawals can help your pension go further. Please contact us if you’re accessing your pension flexibly and want to discuss the rate of withdrawal.

  1. Speak to your financial planner

As your financial planner, we’re here to offer you reassurance and advice when you need it. Speaking to us about pension concerns you may have can help you understand the long-term impact of the current situation and create a solution where one is needed. If you’re worried about your pension, or any other aspect of your finances, please get in touch.

Please note: A pension is a long-term investment. The fund value may fluctuate and can go down, which would have an impact on the level of pension benefits available. Your pension income could also be affected by the interest rates at the time you take your benefits.

The tax implications of pension withdrawals will be based on your individual circumstances, tax legislation and regulation which are subject to change in the future.

The World In A Week – Interim Update

We knew it was coming, but that did not stop the market from overreacting to what is undeniably a certainty.

The UK economy shrank at the fastest monthly rate on record during March, due to the lockdown and the enforced economic slowdown.  UK gross domestic product (GDP) fell 5.8% compared with the previous month, making it the largest drop since records of monthly GDP began in 1997.

It also meant that the UK has had its first quarter-on-quarter drop in GDP since the Global Financial Crisis.  The 2% fall compares to falls of 1.2% for the US and 3.8% for the Eurozone.  The recession will technically become official when we have a negative reading for this quarter, as you need two consecutive negative quarters for a recession.

Although much of this was widely expected, it did not stop the market reacting wildly.  The first three days of this week saw the FTSE 100 swing more than 200 points, evidencing that volatility is here to stay.  As we wrote on Monday, the likelihood of a ‘V’ shaped recovery has dissipated, and our base case of a ‘W’ shaped market is looking more probable.

That means more commitments of economic stimulus if markets became too unruly.  In anticipation of this, we have already had proposals from the US of an additional $3 trillion fiscal package.  However, there is a conflict building between those who see these extreme measures as absolutely necessary, and those that fear the spectre of rising debt will come back to haunt us.  Exceptional times call for exceptional measures and ultimately the combined total of the global promises is essential to combat the global pandemic.

The World In A Week - Phoney War

Last week saw a moderate rise in the value of risk assets with the FTSE All Share up +0.65% and the MSCI All Country World Index down -0.36% in GBP terms, as the value of Sterling rose against the Dollar and many other major currencies. Within Equities, the Emerging Markets and Europe lead the way, while Japanese Equities lagged.

This sentiment was also broadly reflected in Fixed Income markets, Investment Grade Credit, High Yield Bonds and Emerging Market Debt all advanced – while Treasury returns were more subdued.

The relative tranquillity observed in markets was at odds with the slew of dreadful economic news that hit the headlines last week. It was announced that the US economy lost 20.5m jobs in April, rocketing the unemployment rate to 14.7% - a new post-war high. Consensus is now gathering that the likelihood of a “V shaped” recovery from the coronavirus is getting closer to zero. The unprecedented increases in unemployment are likely to take a long time to unwind, and consumer’s purchasing power and habits may well be changed for good.

However, since their nadir on the 23rd March 2020, Equity markets have paid little heed to the deteriorating economic fundamentals, with MSCI ACWI up +18.2% and the S&P 500 up +21% in GBP terms. In the riskier Fixed Income markets, we have also seen a strong rally in High Yield Bonds from their lows, although this is arguably not as over-extended as the Equity markets. As we celebrated Victory in Europe Day over the Bank Holiday weekend, it has begun to feel like a phoney war mentality has taken over the markets – one that may collide with reality in due course. While the rally demonstrates the necessity of maintaining market exposure through all stages of a cycle, we remain neutral on Equities at this point.

The World In A Week – Interim Update

A week that has been punctuated by uncertainty and conjecture.  As we get to the end of the second three-week lockdown period in the UK, headlines are full of rumour.  No one knows what the effect of easing the restrictions will be, and as we have written previously, fear is one of the biggest dangers to the economy.

The economics of ending a lockdown seem to depend on fear and confidence.  Consumers need to have assurance around the security of their jobs and feel safe about their risks to their health.  If that scenario occurs, then there is the likelihood of consumers spending that short-term pent-up demand.

The balancing act is all about the timing.  Too soon and the conditions mentioned above will fail and the potential short-term economic bounce will be snuffed out.  That is the tightrope politicians are walking; managing the populations’ expectations, with as light touch as possible around social control, while knowing the longer the delay, means the longer the overall economic recovery.

Meanwhile, the Bank of England has left policy unchanged at their meeting yesterday.  Whilst the committee voted unanimously to maintain interest rates at 0.1%, there was also a majority vote of 7-2 to continue with the programme of purchasing £200 billion of UK government bonds and non-financial investment grade corporate bonds.  The two members who dissented were actually looking to increase the purchases by an additional £100 billion.  A reminder that central bank policy around the world is still firmly in supportive mode.

The World In A Week - The End Of The Beginning

Boris Johnson returned to no. 10 in full capacity last week after successfully defeating the coronavirus. Boris returns to a torn party, split by those in favour of easing lockdown restrictions and those that believe lockdown restrictions should remain in place for longer. Clarity was provided as the week progressed with indications that lockdown measures will be eased, although to what extent, is currently unknown. Boris has promised to outline a ‘comprehensive’ plan of how we will move out of lockdown on Thursday; media speculation is already underway with the primary focus on allowing individuals to choose up to 10 people to include in their social circle.

In a further blow to income investors, UK dividend cuts continued to gather pace. FTSE 100 constituent, Shell, stunned investors by cutting its quarterly dividend by 66% following the collapse in global oil demand and the virus pandemic. The UK dividend market is a key component in global equity income portfolios and given the pace of dividend cuts across the UK market, will put global equity income managers under pressure, with many expected to miss their yield objectives. Income has been a key area of focus for the Investment team and we are finding other areas of opportunity. Asia, an area not typically associated with income, has proved an interesting hunting ground, the region has a lower payout ratio but fewer dividend cuts are expected. Infrastructure is also another area of interest; the sector typically yields between 4-5% and is expected to provide an element of protection in a downturn.

In Europe, the ECB made no changes to interest rates last Thursday but emphasised they remain poised to increase stimulus if needed. The eurozone is expected to be one of the areas hardest hit and will likely suffer a deep recession. While the ECB has confirmed it will do ‘whatever it takes’ to support the euro area, should the current daily pace at which the ECB is buying government bonds continue, the program will reach its limit in October. Last month, the ECB reduced costs for commercial banks to support lending activity and last week, said it would reduce these interest rates further to -1% - effectively paying them to borrow money. Data in the region published on the same day, revealed that the economy had contracted by 3.8% in the first quarter, an all-time low since records began in 1995.

The World In A Week – Interim Update

US GDP fell 1.2% quarter-on-quarter; however, you may have seen the media run with headlines that stated growth falling by 4.8%.  It seems pointless to annualise the data at this point, as one thing is almost certain; the next quarter will be a very different number.

There was no movement from the Federal Reserve, who held their Federal Open Market Committee meeting yesterday.  They have already committed to do whatever it takes and the drop in GDP was fully expected, which was reiterated in Jerome Powell’s rhetoric.

Expectations are increasing on what the easing of the lockdown measures will look like in reality.  Several European countries have already given broad indications of when the easing will begin. Preparations are apparently underway for the UK Government to issue detailed guidance on how Britain can safely go back to work.

Boris Johnson, after celebrating the birth of his son yesterday, is today expected to announce that the coronavirus is being contained, but that it is not yet time to lift the restrictions.  Concern is about lifting the lockdown measures too early and run the real risk of a second spike of infections.  Silver linings and management of expectations for the public is key at this moment.

The World In A Week - Balancing Act

The focus last week was mainly on the US, which is arguably seen as the new epicentre for the pandemic and, perhaps, the road map for the next phase in this battle.

US equities recorded their first weekly drop in April, illustrating a volatile week that saw indices buffeted by record unemployment claims, disappointing drug trials and an oil price that went negative.  The week did end strongly though, as sentiment was lifted by the authorising of the fourth US economic relief package since the pandemic began.

President Trump signed off the $484 billion stimulus package into law, which aims to provide additional relief to small businesses, as well as hospitals, with the aim of increasing coronavirus testing.  Never one to miss an opportunity to tweet, Trump also promoted the theory of pent-up demand on his Twitter feed; people in lockdown are generally spending less, meaning enforced savings, and it is those savings that could support a bounce back when the lockdown is lifted, as long as fear is contained.

Trump has also signalled support for ‘reopening’ in his Twitter feed, coinciding with the US state of Georgia, which has rolled back some of the lockdown measures, allowing small businesses such as hairdressers, spas and tattoo parlours to reopen.  It also emphasises the dilemma of how social distancing will work at this interim stage, as all of the above businesses involve close contact.

The dichotomy of wanting to supply a service, to keep your business solvent, but at the same time wanting to keep your family safe through social distancing, is another challenge for people and governments to find a solution and tackle the fear of risk.  If reopening is enacted too early, or people believe it is too early, fear of the virus could do more economic damage.

The next stage is a difficult balancing act of keeping the population safe, whilst managing people’s expectations for when the lockdown measures could be relaxed.  Governments will want to restart their economies as soon as possible but acting too early could be worse than acting too late.

The World In A Week – Interim Update

There is always an anomaly that appears during a crisis to disrupt markets or economies to an extreme, and the COVID-19 crisis is no exception. Rising production and collapsing demand, due to a deliberate policy of an economic shutdown, is causing an unprecedented glut in the oil market. This has sent oil prices for West Texas Intermediate (WTI) to a multi-year low, which reached negative at one point.

Travel restrictions, due to social distancing stay-at-home sanctions, have reduced the global demand for oil by an estimated 5.6 million barrels per day (mb/d). Research conducted by BP shows that almost 58% of global oil demand is derived from fuel for transportation. This makes the current situation much worse than a normal recession because of the widespread implementation of travel restrictions.

This problem has been brewing for a while, with Russia and Saudi Arabia unable to agree on production cuts in early March. This caused a bizarre situation in which Saudi Arabia actually increased production and sparked a price war.  The main oil producers gathered around the table at Easter and agreed to an historic cut in production to contain the oil glut. Production will be cut by 9.7 mb/d starting on 1st May. Cuts will begin to taper each month to 5.6 mb/d by the end of the year.

Despite the historic significance of the agreement, the agreed cuts do not appear to be aggressive enough to balance the large drop in demand. Oil inventories are likely to continue to rise in the short term, with storage facilities at capacity; this is putting further pressure on oil prices.

The anomaly of negative oil prices happened this week, with the May contract for oil delivery, for WTI, falling as low as -$40 a barrel. The situation was created by holders of the oil contracts having to pay to have the oil taken away and stored. Global storage of oil is almost at capacity, which increases the prices to have the commodity stored.  This price of storage exceeded the actual price of the oil itself, thereby creating a negative contract.

This volatility in oil prices has spilled over into other asset classes, with global equities feeling the pressure. It is likely that the distortions we are seeing in the oil market will contribute to volatility in other asset classes, in the short term. However, it is expected that this period of extreme dislocation will dissipate in the second half of the year, as travel restrictions are gradually relaxed. So, while oil could contribute to volatility in equities and fixed income over the coming months, we do not expect it to become a major driver.