increasing client referrals

Increasing client referrals in 2021

This article first appeared in Professional Adviser. How to improve? Receiving referrals from clients or, rather, introductions is an important way…

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retail investors

Reddit, GameStop and the new retail investment army – why chasing ‘trends’ is best avoided

January saw one of the most widely covered stories for years in financial markets after a group of online retail investors clubbed together to, in…

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tax allowances

Early end to the tax year? Get your skates on to fulfil your allowances

The tax year ends on 5 April, but thanks to the Easter holiday, many won’t be around to process that last minute deposit this year. Therefore, now is…

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stamp duty

Too late to beat the stamp duty deadline?

If you’re buying a home, time is ticking if you want to take advantage of the Government’s stamp duty holiday and save yourself up to £15,000. The…

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spring budget 2021

Spring Budget 2021: what to expect in Rishi Sunak’s financial address

Rishi Sunak delivers his second Budget on 3 March against the backdrop of record government spending and escalating national debt. There is much…

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Thinking of joining or moving network?

Why Beaufort Financial should be on your list…. ✓ Cashflow help to ease transition ✓ No lock-in period, or cash penalty. We simply ask for 3 months’…

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outsource your investment management

Is it time for you to outsource your investment management?

How much of your time do you spend on the things you excel at – advising clients, setting goals and objectives, cashflow management, and so on? If…

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Brexit and your finances

What does the Brexit deal mean for your finances?

After more than four years since the 2016 referendum, the UK and the European Union have agreed a Brexit trade deal. But while a compromise has been…

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investment markets

Multi-year lows, record highs, and a pandemic – 2020 by the numbers

2020 was a year like no other. A global pandemic the likes of which has not been witnessed in our lifetimes changed the way the world works, and had…

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social care costs

Could the government tax over 40s to fund social care? Here’s how to prepare for later life costs

Former Health Secretary, now Chair of the Health and Social care parliamentary committee, Jeremy Hunt, has called on the government to introduce a…

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investment portfolio

Three top tips for getting your portfolio primed for 2021

It’s the time of year again when we’re thinking about New Year’s resolutions, whether it be getting more exercise, spending more time with our…

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