Chairman's Blog

How to help clients understand what ESG means to them right now

This article first appeared in Professional Adviser. While ethical investing – or ESG – might have shifted from a fringe notion to the financial…

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Is long-term wealth building at risk from inflation and interest rate rises?

The wealth landscape has not been this tough for many years. Inflation is perhaps the trickiest issue for wealth growth right now, but interest rates…

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Rishi Sunak’s Spring Statement: how it affects your money

Rishi Sunak delivered his Spring Statement at the end of March, with an update on the current state of the UK economy and future expectations for the…

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Is it time to get an electric car?

With fuel prices soaring, and the cost of used cars continuing to rise in the wake of the pandemic, you might be wondering if now is the right moment…

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What you need to know if you decide to work past the State Pension age

It used to be the case that your employer could force you to retire when you hit 65, whether you wanted to finish working or not. However, the…

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Three ways to reassure clients during a crisis

This article first appeared in Professional Adviser. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine sent shockwaves across the world and, as global markets…

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Beaufort Financial

Sense and sensibilities

Aligning clients’ investments with ESG-focused outcomes is becoming both more commonplace and more complicated.

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tax allowances

Get your finances in shape before the end of the tax year

The end of the tax year is just around the corner. This year’s deadline is 5 April – and there’s no better time to prepare for it than now. There’s…

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ISA Season

Does ‘Isa season’ still matter?

ISA season is the period just before the end of each tax year when time is running out to use up tax-free allowances. Each year, much is made of the…

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insurance protection

Storm Eunice has shown the importance of robust insurance protection

At a time when finances are strained and climate-related events threaten to make things worse, not having the right insurance cover could lead to…

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student loan changes

Student loan changes increase pressure on The Bank of Mum and Dad

From 2023 future graduates will start to repay student loans sooner, putting more pressure on young people at a time when cost pressures are rising…

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family company investigation

Advising an ageing population (3): What role will annuities play in the future?

Professional Adviser assesses whether the dwindling annuity market could be in line for a resurgence, but other economic factors are also at play………

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